COVID Tyranny is a Continuation of What was in Place

Every single government edict coming down in the COVID era is an add-on to what was already established before March 2020.  Last year, I wrote about how we need a radical defense of property rights to fight against lockdowns.  We really need this radicalism to fight against all of the mandates at every level.

The existence of business licenses easily enabled the government to issue lockdowns and mask mandates on what are supposed to be private businesses.  I have also written about the medical tyranny, including having to go to a doctor to get a permission slip (a prescription) to get certain drugs.  Incidentally, this also drives up the price of medical care.

Now we are seeing reports of some pharmacies denying people their prescription for Ivermectin as a treatment or preventative measure for COVID.  It is an off-label prescription, meaning that Ivermectin is not officially designated as a treatment for COVID, but this is a common occurrence in medicine.  In a free market, you wouldn’t need a prescription at all.  It would be your choice whether to consult a doctor or a pharmacist.

The most tyrannical thing to happen in all of this is Biden’s pronouncement that most federal workers and federal contractors must get vaccinated.  In addition, any company with 100 or more employees will have to require vaccination or testing of their employees (if the edict goes into effect).

The federal government shouldn’t have this power in the first place, and it doesn’t according to the Constitution and the 10th Amendment.  But the federal government has been mostly ignoring the Constitution for a long time now.  It is even more egregious that Biden is doing this through executive order.  It is not actually a law being passed by Congress.

The idea of using executive orders has been going on for a long time now, so it is no surprise that the president took his dictatorial powers to such an extreme this time.  In addition, Biden is handing off the rulemaking to OSHA, which also has no legitimate law-making power.  But this is a continuation of Congress unconstitutionally delegating law-making powers to alphabet agencies.

One of the excuses for mandating vaccines is that schools have been mandating a whole host of vaccines for a long time now for kids.  This excuse is also being used in California, which will mandate COVID shots for all eligible kids attending school (supposedly including private schools).  I have seen some responses to this that the COVID vaccine is different in that it is experimental and rushed, despite the FDA approval for Pfizer.

While it is probably correct that the COVID vaccines are more dangerous than other vaccines, the principle being espoused by the totalitarians is consistent.  If you already conceded that the state can tell you to inject your kids, then what is one or two more shots in the arm?

This is why I have been an opponent of mandatory vaccinations for a long time now.  Of course, when it comes to government schools, I don’t think they should exist at all, which is another problem, which has fed into the tyranny of today.  But given that state schools exist, I don’t think vaccination should be required in any way.  I don’t even think you should have to apply for an exemption.  It set the bad precedent that we are dealing with today.

All of the tyranny we are dealing with today is a result of government overreach that was allowed to happen in the past.  A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything you have.  That includes your individual liberty, which includes controlling what goes into your own body.

When I think of the many areas of our lives that government is involved in, especially the worst things, it has all fed into where we find ourselves today.

You can look at wars, executive orders, the drug war, the Federal Reserve, government education, government medical care and regulations, Congress illegally delegating its powers, government regulation of businesses, and unconstitutional alphabet agencies.  It all fed into the authoritarianism of COVID.

On the plus side, many people are being awakened from the tyranny, and it isn’t just against the COVID hysteria.  When the tyrants say that “vaccines are already required for school, so what’s one more”, it makes some people question why all other vaccines are a requirement for school.  Some people question why they have their kids being educated by the state at all.

Some people are questioning why they need a permission slip from their doctor to acquire certain medications.  Some people are questioning why businesses need a permission slip to operate.  Some people are questioning the entire bloated system who didn’t previously question it.

For this, there is reason to be optimistic.  Many people are being awakened.  The problem is that the tyrants and their sheep are going to make our lives miserable until they are beaten back.

2 thoughts on “COVID Tyranny is a Continuation of What was in Place”

  1. I am afraid “Some people” just isn’t enough. In order to fight back against a tyrannical government you need more than some. And there are way, way to many docile, subservient people around right now.

    My city in Texas has no mask mandates any longer but yet my estimation is 65% of people are still masking everywhere, including in their cars and at the park with nobody within 25 yards of them. They will so whatever they are told without question or critical thinking.

  2. It is better than that where I live. Florida has been open for over a year now, but some people still need to virtue signal. I think most people have moved on here, but it doesn’t stop the tyrants from demanding more. The vaccine mandates is the primary issue at stake now. I am releasing an article later today that is a bit more optimistic.

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