F Joe Biden

At certain large events in the country, chants of “F**K Joe Biden” have been breaking out.  These are not just a group of five or ten people doing this.  These are loud chants that can be heard throughout a stadium or arena.

If this is any sign of the intensity of the American people being fed up with government and their “rulers”, then it means that things should start to change.  It means the political establishment has overplayed their hand.

If I were at a college football game with my kids and such a chant broke out, I would tell them to cover their ears as I join in.  Maybe it isn’t the best chant in the world, but it certainly gets the message across.  Because some people shy away from loudly cursing in public, the chants might be even louder if it was a little more appropriate for a public setting.

After Biden’s speech on September 9 (the chants started just before this), when he proclaimed himself dictator in requiring mass injection in the American population (or lose your job), I received many messages from friends.  Even a few people who had previously been vaccinated were outraged, even though it didn’t impact them directly.

I was in communication with several people who don’t want the jab, and they are fearful that they will have to submit or lose their job.  Many people are already faced with this situation because of corporate wokeness and government nudging (to put it mildly).

But there is one emotion I saw that was greater than fear.  It was anger.  There are tens of millions of people who are angry at Joe Biden and his handlers.  They realize that these people are out to destroy their lives and take away all of the good things.  While Fauci, Biden, and the other tyrants want everyone jabbed while celebrating a virtual Christmas again this year, most Americans are trying to get on with their lives.

If COVID has done one thing for us in the last year and a half, it has exposed the thirst for totalitarianism, particularly from the political left.  The rulers want to rule good and hard.

The left and the establishment (almost one and the same now) are overplaying their hand, but it isn’t clear that they know this.  They are turning millions of people towards libertarianism or some mild form of it.

It is one thing for someone to say that they disapprove of the job the president is doing in a poll.  It is quite another to passionately hate the president because you view him as a tyrant.  There are tens of millions of Americans who view Biden as a liar and a tyrant.  They see him as a thug trying to stick a needle in your arm, as well as in the arms of children.

The hard part is that almost the entire corporate media is on Biden’s side, and most of the corporate executives are on Biden’s side or too afraid to speak out.  There isn’t much honesty or courage in corporate America these days, and many of these employers are using sleazy tactics to compel their employees to take the jab.

And now Biden’s people are instructing the FBI to treat protesting parents as domestic terrorists.  Jen Psaki said that it isn’t acceptable for parents to use threats.  I would like for one actual reporter to ask her if threatening people to get vaccinated or lose their job constitutes domestic terrorism by her and Biden.

You have to wonder when this whole thing is going to break.

Consent of the Governed

In the 1500s, Etienne de la Boetie pointed out that all rulers rely on the consent of the governed.  It does not have to be an explicit consent, but the majority of people have to accept the legitimacy of the rulers in some way.

So how can Joe Biden still be standing at this point?  A slim majority of Americans do not accept what Biden is doing, and most of the people who do not support him absolutely despise him and what he is doing.

First, Biden was just inaugurated in January of this year.  He hasn’t even been in office for 9 months yet.  This makes it that much more astounding that he is so hated.  But other than a recall vote in ultra-leftist California for the governor, there has been no major referendum yet.  Perhaps the gubernatorial election next month in Virginia will tell us a little more.

Second, and more importantly, most of the people who despise Biden still grant some legitimacy to the system.  Some of that legitimacy has faded, but most people are not libertarians.  They see a greater role for the state than just protecting people’s rights.  They still give too much respect to all of the illegitimate laws and orders out there.

The good news is that things are slipping away from the statists.  I believe that many of Biden’s critics are starting to question the legitimacy of the whole system.  They may even be seeing the benefits of a possible separation.

There have been many protests in schools over masks, critical race theory, and other political issues.  Of course, they are all political issues when we are talking about government schools.  While I am happy to see parents speaking up for their kids, unfortunately some don’t see the answer that is right in front of them.  They need to make the big sacrifice of pulling their kids out government schools.  This is at least becoming a thought for many parents who would have scoffed at the idea a few years ago.

The entire state apparatus is being called into question to some degree.  The establishment is pushing so hard on vaccines, and calling anyone who opposes their agenda a domestic terrorist, that they are risking their own power.

They are losing the consent of a substantial minority of the population.  This is a positive development for liberty.

The bad news is that the state apparatus is still big and powerful.  The establishment will dig in even deeper and flail around like an out-of-control destruction machine.  There are going to be some hard-fought battles ahead.

The battles are going to be in information.  The politicians and the corporate media will keep trying to gaslight the substantial minority of Americans who will just believe and go along with whatever they say.

When it comes to the vaccines, we have to make it a liberty issue.  It’s fine to argue that the vaccines are not as safe and effective as what Biden and his handlers tell us.  But even if you think the vaccines are the greatest thing ever, do you believe that we should be able to make our own choices?  Do you believe the state should compel us in making our own personal and medical decisions?

There is no sign of Biden’s executive order after his speech a month ago.  There is no sign of any rules coming down from OSHA.  Maybe it was all a bluff, but this doesn’t make it any better for Biden’s image.

“Ha ha, there really isn’t a mandate.  We were just trying to get employers to do our dirty work.  Sorry if you had to worry about your job for months and months because we were bluffing.  But we got millions of more people vaccinated.”

I have one thing to say: F**K Joe Biden.

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