What is the Goal for Those Pushing Vaccine Passports?

If you mentioned vaccine passports in 2020, you were labeled a crackpot conspiracy theorist.  And then vaccine mandates quickly became a thing in 2021.

Can you ever remember something pushed so hard in a seemingly coordinated effort?  Even in the lead up to the Iraq War, there was some dissent that was allowed to be heard.

It is hard to believe we are in 2022, and we are still dealing with vaccine mandates.  It is an extremely important fight to win for the pro liberty side.  It isn’t even an issue of whether you are pro vax, anti vax, or somewhere in between.  It is an issue of whether you think others – particularly the state – have a moral right to dictate what you put into your body.

There has been a mix of wins and setbacks over the last couple of months.  One moment I think we are losing the battle. The next moment I think we are winning it.

The Supreme Court issued mixed decisions.  It struck down the OSHA mandate, while upholding the mandate on most healthcare workers.

The big cities in blue states all seem to be going towards vaccine passports, but I also hear stories about businesses not really enforcing them.

There is a massive convoy of truckers in Canada, which is encouraging, but it also has the potential to end badly.  Hopefully it won’t end as badly as what happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington DC.  The Canadian government has been extremely totalitarian through all of the COVID hysteria.

Then again, England has been rather totalitarian as well, but it was announced there that the restrictions and vaccine mandates would end.  It may just be because Boris Johnson was caught being a hypocritical liar and not following his own rules.

All I know is that it is an important fight, and it should be won based on principle.  It is rather ridiculous at this point, as it is clear that the COVID “vaccines” do not prevent transmission (which was previously labeled as “misinformation”).

The only argument they have left is that if you get sick, you will get less sick if you are vaccinated.  But if that’s the case, then why isn’t the government mandating that you eat vegetables and not drink soda in order to have your job?  I probably shouldn’t give the tyrants any ideas.

Even if the vaccines did help prevent transmission, I would still oppose all government mandates, as should anyone who cares about liberty.  It is not up to the government to determine what is and isn’t good for our health, and there is no justification in a moral world of imposing the threat of violence in order to get people to comply.

Where Did the Vaccine Passport Originate?

I don’t even know what a vaccine card looks like.  The people who are pro vaccine passport won’t call it a passport.  They call it a card.  That’s fine, but it’s still the same thing.  It is the idea of having to “show your papers”.  This is not representative of a free society.

I had to look up what a COVID vaccine card looks like.  How is it that this was available on day one of the rollout of the vaccines?  How was it universally distributed throughout the country?  It’s almost as if the government was ready for it.

I don’t have vaccine cards from vaccines that I was given as a child.  Children today don’t have vaccine passports for any vaccines other than COVID vaccines, or at least not in the same way.  A parent would have to call their child’s pediatrician to get their shot records, which are often required for school.  (I hope more people start to call this into question.)

The power elite had already planned these vaccine mandates.  Otherwise, why were these vaccine cards for COVID available from day one?  Why, in late 2020, was it necessary to have proof of a COVID vaccination?  Did anyone walk into a clinic or vaccination center and get the vaccine without getting a card?  Did the people working there insist that they leave with proof that they were vaccinated?

How long were these vaccine cards being planned for?  Was it before the FDA granted emergency-use authorization?

These are all interesting questions.  If the vaccine cards were available from day one, then there was obviously a plan to use them.


We will never know the motives of some people.  The average person on the street who advocates for vaccine mandates is probably just a control freak who buys into the establishment narrative.  The person is probably just an idiot on this subject and has an authoritarian streak.  As an individual, they thankfully possess little power other than being one voice in support of the authoritarians.

When it comes to the power elite, I think even there the motives can differ.  The corporate executives at the pharmaceutical companies probably just want to make money and cover their behinds.  They probably don’t have a depopulation agenda.  Bill Gates might have a motive of depopulation, but he also probably thrives on the power he exerts.

With Fauci, he may be pushing the vaccines for a combination of money, power, and prestige.

With Biden, well, he is just an idiot.  He is also part of the evil, but he is just listening to his evil advisors.  Biden is certainly a totalitarian and a criminal, and he enjoys his power, but he could probably get this thrill with a host of other issues too.  He just happens to be president (or whatever he is) at a time when the establishment is pushing vaccines, so he had no trouble being a stooge spokesman and implementing authoritarian mandates.

I think there is something to the theory that this is part of the government’s quest for some kind of a social credit system like China.  If these vaccine passports are allowed to stand, then it will certainly lead to more measures down the road.

Still, I want to make clear that these vaccine mandates are just about as totalitarian as you can get.  It is criminal for anyone to force these experimental jabs on others.

And yes, they are experimental, as we don’t know the long-term impacts of the vaccines.  We also don’t have good data on the shorter-term impacts because the government and pharmaceutical companies are purposely trying to cover up adverse effects.  Even on a short-term basis, it doesn’t look very good when the Pfizer trial had more of the vaccinated people die than the non-vaccinated.

(See page 23 of this document: https://www.fda.gov/media/151733/download)

Whatever the motives for pushing these vaccines and the mandates, they are being done entirely by evil people and ignorant people.  There is no third option.  I think the general public that supports these measures are more ignorant than evil.  I think the people in positions of power are more evil than ignorant.

This is a fight we must win in the United States.  If liberty dies here, it won’t be good for the rest of the world.  The vaccine mandates must be defeated, regardless of the motives behind them.

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