Is Joe Rogan Caving to the Mob?

The mob is going after Joe Rogan.  By that, I mean the establishment mob.  It is the mob trying to censor anything that goes against the official narrative, especially when it comes to COVID.

I like Joe Rogan.  I am not a frequent listener of his podcast, but I will occasionally listen to clips of his show or even an entire episode if it is about a subject that interests me.  I have a friend who listens to him, and he would send me episodes that he thought would interest me.  This goes back at least a few years (before COVID hysteria).

I appreciate that Rogan has on differing points of view.  At the same time, I have expressed frustration with him.  I am more often frustrated when he has a guest on with whom I don’t agree because I feel like Rogan could pin the person down more.

I think there is a difference between challenging someone and being rude.  You can politely challenge someone on a topic.  And if the person avoids a question, I don’t think it is inappropriate to ask the question again with a hint that the original question wasn’t answered.  I understand these are “guests” on his show, but I think anyone going on there with strong opinions should expect a little bit of a challenge, or at least having Rogan play devil’s advocate.

I watched/ listened to the two full episodes that became controversial.  One was with Dr. Peter McCullough, and the other was with Dr. Robert Malone.  In total, this was about 6 hours of COVID talk.

Since the two doctors offer differing viewpoints on COVID and the vaccines as compared to the establishment narrative, the mob had to attack Rogan.  They know that tens of millions of people heard at least some of what was said.

It really heated up when musician Neil Young said that he didn’t want his music sold on the same platform as Rogan’s podcast.  So Spotify actually removed Young’s music.  Then the mob really came after Rogan and Spotify.

Spotify felt compelled to issue a statement saying that it would put a warning label on certain content to warn people of possible “misinformation”.

Rogan also posted a selfie video where he somewhat apologized for causing so much controversy and to thank Spotify for all that the company has done.  Rogan put out an olive branch, even complimenting Neil Young and his music and telling a story of working at a Young concert when he was younger.

I think he was trying to present himself as humble and as someone who wanted to get along.  He wanted to make it clear that he isn’t some kind of vicious animal or right-wing extremist (which he isn’t).  In this sense, he did a pretty good job.

At the same time though, he showed severe weakness, and I fear that the mob will capitalize on this and keep going after him until he completely folds.  Rogan said that he will try to balance things out on his shows.

What does that mean?

I feel like Rogan is accepting the premise set by his haters.  They are saying that he is spreading misinformation.  Rogan correctly says that he is just having a conversation with people, and also that he has never claimed to be perfect.  That’s all fine, but he shouldn’t accept or leave unchallenged that he is spreading misinformation.

He can’t guarantee that everything every one of his guests says on his show will be 100% accurate.  He had someone from CNN on his show, so we know that can’t be the case.

What about all of the misinformation from Dr. Fauci, and the CDC, and the FDA, and the pharmaceutical companies, and from the establishment news media?  What about the misinformation from the president of the United States who said that if you get the COVID vaccine then you can’t die?

CNN never balances out its narrative.  It is one viewpoint only, and that is to follow the science, which is whatever the official opinion-makers have to say that day.  Whatever the current science is that day, you should follow it like an obedient citizen because that is what CNN is telling you to do, and it is backed up by the “experts”.

I’ve never heard any alternative viewpoints coming from CNN since the COVID hysteria began.  It’s not that I watch CNN much, but I’m sure I would have heard about it.  But CNN will gladly spread misinformation about Joe Rogan and say that he is taking horse paste for his COVID.

If Rogan is spreading misinformation, then what is CNN and the rest of the corporate media doing?

Rogan has absolutely no obligation to balance out his show any more than Tucker Carlson does.  If anything, we need more of the episodes that the mob is complaining about.  We need more Rogan in order to balance out what just about every television station and newspaper across the country have to say.

Rogan probably has something like 10 million listeners.  If CNN got one-tenth of the audience for one its shows, it would be considered a great success.

Still, everywhere you turn outside of the alternative media, it is the same talking points of COVID hysteria.  They have finally started to concede that maybe lockdowns weren’t such a good idea and that maybe masks aren’t that effective.  Even this is done in near unison.

Rogan is a platform where people can hear alternative voices.  He just happens to be one of the biggest platforms because his show was already popular.  So it is no surprise that the mob is going after him with everything.

But here is my message to Joe Rogan.  Don’t give in to the mob.  You can be kind and respectful in what you say, but you don’t have to apologize to them when you did nothing wrong.  You don’t have to meet any of their demands.

If you start bending to them, they will only demand more.  You can try to “balance out” your programming, but it will only strengthen the enemy.  They won’t be satisfied with that.  They will only be satisfied when you stop giving a platform to those with alternative viewpoints that are counter to the official narrative.

After the beating that Sanjay Gupta (of CNN) took when he was on the show, I don’t think many high profile people will want to be on there.  They are not used to being challenged on their COVID hysteria with facts and reasoning.  I don’t think Dr. Fauci will be sitting down for a 3-hour interview to talk about PCR tests, vaccines, and gain-of-function research.  That’s just my guess.

You can’t ever please the mob unless you join them.  You don’t have to join them.  You don’t have to apologize.

Joe Rogan has a massive platform.  If Spotify ends up folding and dumping Rogan (and costing them a lot of money), Rogan can find another outlet.  People will follow him.

We need these alternative voices.  But we also need courage, which is what has been lacking the most over the last 2 years.  It isn’t just common sense.  It is courage that has really been the distinguishing factor.

I hope that Joe Rogan finds the courage to not kneel before the mob and that he continues to spread information to people seeking the truth.  We don’t expect perfection from your guests or you.  We expect an open dialogue where the truth can be sought.

One thought on “Is Joe Rogan Caving to the Mob?”

  1. I agree entirely. The courage and talent Joe has to draw curiosity is what makes him stand out as a great platform to peak our critical thinking—the anecdotes for mob censorship. Please don’t cave!

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