Why Do the Heavily Vaccinated Want Escalating War in Ukraine?

There is an interesting poll that came out of Canada comparing the responses of people on their thoughts about the war in Ukraine depending on their vaccination status.

The poll is labeled “How Should Canada respond to the Ukraine invasion: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated”.  I prefer the term “non-vaccinated” to “unvaccinated”.  I am also assuming that this poll was strictly referring to the COVID vaccines.

86% of people responding to the poll who had received 3 or more shots favored imposing tougher sanctions on Russia.  Only 13% of the non-vaccinated held this opinion.

When given a list of possible involvements, the Canadians who were deemed fully vaccinated and boosted favored military interventions and/ or tougher sanctions by a wide margin.

52% of the non-vaccinated chose “none of the above” when given the list of possible interventions, while only 2% from the heavily vaccinated group chose this option.

This short article by Mark Crispin Miller shows a graphic of the poll.  I believe Miller is mostly in our pro liberty camp, but I don’t agree with his conclusion from the poll.  He seems to imply that the vaccinated people have become more belligerent.

Miller states, “And then we’ve heard, and some of us have seen, a certain darkening of personality among the ‘vaccinated’, or some of them – a marked new nastiness, intolerance, explosiveness, as if those ‘vaccines’ were laced with choler, or its nanotechnological equivalent.  I for one have been attacked insanely, out of nowhere, by the recently injected; and others have reported the same thing.”

I think Miller is confusing causation and correlation.  Maybe the vaccinated have become more nasty and intolerant, but I don’t think it is because of the jabs.

They may have become nastier towards those choosing not to get the COVID vaccine because the establishment media has told them that these are selfish and uncaring people for not graciously accepting the jab.  And now that same media is telling them that they should hate Putin and Russians in general.

As I have previously pointed out, the dividing line is between those who accept everything they are told by the establishment media and those who question it (or outright defy it).

The people who got vaccinated and boosted did exactly what they were told to do by the establishment media.  They were obedient citizens.  They see the opposite side as not just being non-obedient.  They see them as stupid, or selfish, or both.

The establishment line now is that you should hate the Russians.  It isn’t clear if they should hate the Russians just as much or more as the non-vaccinated.  So it is no surprise that the people who bought the COVID narrative hook, line, and sinker will also be eager to get involved militarily to help the brave and noble Ukrainians to defeat the evil Russians.

(For the record, I’m sure there are many brave and noble Ukrainians, and there are some evil Russians.  But it goes both ways.  The media makes this caricature sketch as if Ukraine is the epitome of freedom, while the Russians are bad people.)

The fully vaccinated and boosted are generally people who buy into all of the propaganda.  They are often otherwise intelligent people, but it is easier to train a smart dog (attributed to Michael Malice).  They are people who will do what they are told by the “authorities” and the “experts”.

I understand that some people got the jab who were not fully on board with it.  They may have felt pressure from family and friends, and some of them had to choose between the jab and their job.  But generally speaking, those who got jabbed are the obedient ones.  They are the voluntary slaves who will do what they’re told.

If a similar poll were conducted in the United States, you would get similar results I suspect.  The vaccinated haven’t become more belligerent because of the vaccine itself.  They just become belligerent when they are told to do so by their masters in the establishment.

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