What if Will Smith had Criticized Vaccines?

The big story of the Oscars this year was when comedian Chris Rock told a joke about Will Smith’s wife, and Will Smith went up on stage and hit Chris Rock.

The joke could be considered tasteless, as he made a reference to Jada Pinkett Smith starring as G.I. Jane.  She had shaved her head due to a disease that causes hair loss, and she was obviously sensitive to it.

Maybe it wasn’t the best selection of jokes, but it was also relatively mild compared to the many other digs that can be heard at this awards show and others.  It is odd that Will Smith laughed at first, but then apparently saw how it disturbed his wife.  He felt the need to show his manhood by resorting to a form of violence.

It is even more awkward that Smith received an award after this incident when he probably should have been escorted out of the venue.  I am not too critical of the organizers/ producers of the show, as the whole thing probably caught them off guard and didn’t know what to do about the whole situation.

I have heard some speculate that the whole thing was staged.  It almost looked that way at first, but based on Chris Rock’s reaction after being hit, I don’t think it was staged.  It was really good acting if it was, and I don’t see why Will Smith would agree to that because he didn’t come out looking good.

Perhaps the whole thing is representative of Hollywood and the political left in general.  When someone says something that you don’t like, just resort to violence to stop the “hate speech”.

I have heard some of the “mainstream” commentary on the situation.  There has definitely been some criticism towards Will Smith saying that he overreacted or he lost his cool.  With that said, I haven’t heard any talk about him being “cancelled”.  I don’t hear any calls of boycott or that all movie producers should refuse to ever hire him for a role again.

I heard someone ask a rhetorical question on what everyone would be saying if Will Smith were a white guy or if some white guy had gone up and hit Chris Rock.  Perhaps that is a valid question and the results would have surely been different.

But I would like to go beyond that.  Will Smith didn’t do any permanent physical harm to Chris Rock, but he did resort to a form of violence.  I’m curious what would have happened to Will Smith had he said something offensive that goes against the official establishment narrative.

What if Will Smith had pointed out that the U.S. government helped to fund and execute a coup against the Ukrainian government in 2014?  Would the establishment media have been so kind to him?  He probably would have been called a Putin sympathizer and made to apologize at the very least.

But it could get much worse.  What if Will Smith had tackled some social issues instead?

What if Will Smith had stated that someone who is born a woman is a woman?

What if Will Smith had said that teachers shouldn’t be teaching transgenderism to young children in school?

Perhaps it could get worse still.

What if Will Smith had warned against taking the COVID vaccines because they aren’t effective and they can cause serious adverse effects, including death?

Will Smith wouldn’t have been somebody who just got caught up in the moment and lost his cool.  No.  Will Smith would be somebody who is a crackpot conspiracy theorist who better kneel before the mob and apologize if he ever wants a chance to appear in polite society ever again.

You can walk up on stage at a Hollywood awards show and hit someone in the face because you don’t like what they said, but don’t you dare go against the official standard narrative of the establishment.

Remember, these are the same elites, and this is the same media, that will be outraged by tweets by a president because he called someone a name, but they aren’t outraged when any U.S. president starts a war or drops bombs on innocent civilians.

Will Smith knows this.  He knew he could go up on stage and hit someone without ruining his career.  But you won’t catch him saying anything politically incorrect that could get him attacked by the mob.

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