The Media Ignores the Biden Executive Order

I believe the Biden speech on September 9, 2021 was a big moment in the life of Americans, whether they know it or not.  Biden announced an executive order that will require most federal workers to get vaccinated.  It will require federal contractors to require their employees to be vaccinated.  It will also require all companies with 100 or more employees to require vaccination or weekly testing of their employees.

As of now, the details haven’t been released, as it is being passed off to OSHA to illegally write the rules.  This is unconstitutional in more ways than one.  It is not a delegated authority in Article I, Section 8, but most things coming out of the federal government are unconstitutional in this sense.  It is also unconstitutional because it is an executive order.  Congress is supposed to make the laws, and they aren’t supposed to be delegated out.

OSHA is supposed to be there for occupational safety.  This is about as applicable as the CDC imposing a rent moratorium.  But as Biden said, we have to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated by forcing the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.

It is unclear what exemptions will exist, and who will be in charge of determining whether an exemption is valid.  Maybe our benevolent rulers will be generous with the exemptions.

It is unclear if this will apply to remote workers, as this should have nothing to do with workplace safety, but they are stretching everything else.

This immoral directive will impact tens of millions of people.  The majority of the workforce in the United States will be impacted.  But really, everyone will be impacted.

Let’s say that this actually goes through and takes effect.  How many people will refuse?  How many millions of people will be fired from their jobs?  If you refuse to get vaccinated, I would recommend not quitting your job unless there is some kind of benefit to doing so.  I would make your employer fire you.

I know this is the line in the sand for many people.  There are literally millions of people willing to risk losing their job instead of getting jabbed in the arm.

There are already shortages of things in our world.  There are shortages of workers in many industries.  This is what happens when you create trillions of dollars out of thin air, while also paying people not to work.

There are already stories about busy hospitals.  But in most cases, it isn’t because of a lack of beds.  It is because of a lack of staffing.  And despite Biden’s lies, there is a large chunk of healthcare workers who aren’t vaccinated.  This is particularly true for nurses, many of whom are ready to walk.

Not only will hospitals be even more overwhelmed, but think about businesses everywhere.  How many people working at Walmart want to get vaccinated?

Ironically, this will hurt big businesses the most.  It is a bit of a reversal from what happened in 2020.  However, you could have a small restaurant or store, but if it is part of a franchise, then it will likely be subject to the 100-employee rule.

This could topple an already fragile economy.  With shortages, we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Even if this goes into effect and is later reversed, how much damage will already be done?

Media Blackout

It is crazy how little coverage this whole thing got.  The corporate media talked about it the day it happened, and then it was on to coverage of the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Domestically speaking, I believe this is the most dangerous and widespread government action in my lifetime.  I think you have to go back to the military draft to find something worse.  But even with the draft, it did not impact nearly as many people.

I have seen a little bit about this on Fox News on the few good shows that are on there.  Other than that, the corporate media is saying little, while tens of millions of Americans are anxious and angry at the same time.

When I go on social media or forums, I find people who are worried about this.  They are also furious.  I have even seen a few people angry about it who are vaccinated.

I wonder how many people will get the shot so that they don’t lose their job, only to find out that they need booster shots later on in order to qualify as fully vaccinated.  What is to stop Biden and OSHA from requiring even more people down the line?  None of this is being discussed in the corporate media.

It is important not only to not listen to the media, but also to realize that the news they cover is not necessarily what is important.  Last week, during several college football games, chants of “F**k Joe Biden” broke out.  This is the sentiment of tens of millions of Americans.

I can only hope that a year from now we look back at this thing and see it as a triggering point for people to rise up in defense of liberty.

I have little doubt that Biden and his handlers have overplayed their hand on this.  It is just a question of how much damage and how many lives they ruin in the meantime.

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