What if Will Smith had Criticized Vaccines?

The big story of the Oscars this year was when comedian Chris Rock told a joke about Will Smith’s wife, and Will Smith went up on stage and hit Chris Rock.

The joke could be considered tasteless, as he made a reference to Jada Pinkett Smith starring as G.I. Jane.  She had shaved her head due to a disease that causes hair loss, and she was obviously sensitive to it.

Maybe it wasn’t the best selection of jokes, but it was also relatively mild compared to the many other digs that can be heard at this awards show and others.  It is odd that Will Smith laughed at first, but then apparently saw how it disturbed his wife.  He felt the need to show his manhood by resorting to a form of violence.

It is even more awkward that Smith received an award after this incident when he probably should have been escorted out of the venue.  I am not too critical of the organizers/ producers of the show, as the whole thing probably caught them off guard and didn’t know what to do about the whole situation.

I have heard some speculate that the whole thing was staged.  It almost looked that way at first, but based on Chris Rock’s reaction after being hit, I don’t think it was staged.  It was really good acting if it was, and I don’t see why Will Smith would agree to that because he didn’t come out looking good.

Perhaps the whole thing is representative of Hollywood and the political left in general.  When someone says something that you don’t like, just resort to violence to stop the “hate speech”.

I have heard some of the “mainstream” commentary on the situation.  There has definitely been some criticism towards Will Smith saying that he overreacted or he lost his cool.  With that said, I haven’t heard any talk about him being “cancelled”.  I don’t hear any calls of boycott or that all movie producers should refuse to ever hire him for a role again.

I heard someone ask a rhetorical question on what everyone would be saying if Will Smith were a white guy or if some white guy had gone up and hit Chris Rock.  Perhaps that is a valid question and the results would have surely been different.

But I would like to go beyond that.  Will Smith didn’t do any permanent physical harm to Chris Rock, but he did resort to a form of violence.  I’m curious what would have happened to Will Smith had he said something offensive that goes against the official establishment narrative.

What if Will Smith had pointed out that the U.S. government helped to fund and execute a coup against the Ukrainian government in 2014?  Would the establishment media have been so kind to him?  He probably would have been called a Putin sympathizer and made to apologize at the very least.

But it could get much worse.  What if Will Smith had tackled some social issues instead?

What if Will Smith had stated that someone who is born a woman is a woman?

What if Will Smith had said that teachers shouldn’t be teaching transgenderism to young children in school?

Perhaps it could get worse still.

What if Will Smith had warned against taking the COVID vaccines because they aren’t effective and they can cause serious adverse effects, including death?

Will Smith wouldn’t have been somebody who just got caught up in the moment and lost his cool.  No.  Will Smith would be somebody who is a crackpot conspiracy theorist who better kneel before the mob and apologize if he ever wants a chance to appear in polite society ever again.

You can walk up on stage at a Hollywood awards show and hit someone in the face because you don’t like what they said, but don’t you dare go against the official standard narrative of the establishment.

Remember, these are the same elites, and this is the same media, that will be outraged by tweets by a president because he called someone a name, but they aren’t outraged when any U.S. president starts a war or drops bombs on innocent civilians.

Will Smith knows this.  He knew he could go up on stage and hit someone without ruining his career.  But you won’t catch him saying anything politically incorrect that could get him attacked by the mob.

Why Do the Heavily Vaccinated Want Escalating War in Ukraine?

There is an interesting poll that came out of Canada comparing the responses of people on their thoughts about the war in Ukraine depending on their vaccination status.

The poll is labeled “How Should Canada respond to the Ukraine invasion: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated”.  I prefer the term “non-vaccinated” to “unvaccinated”.  I am also assuming that this poll was strictly referring to the COVID vaccines.

86% of people responding to the poll who had received 3 or more shots favored imposing tougher sanctions on Russia.  Only 13% of the non-vaccinated held this opinion.

When given a list of possible involvements, the Canadians who were deemed fully vaccinated and boosted favored military interventions and/ or tougher sanctions by a wide margin.

52% of the non-vaccinated chose “none of the above” when given the list of possible interventions, while only 2% from the heavily vaccinated group chose this option.

This short article by Mark Crispin Miller shows a graphic of the poll.  I believe Miller is mostly in our pro liberty camp, but I don’t agree with his conclusion from the poll.  He seems to imply that the vaccinated people have become more belligerent.

Miller states, “And then we’ve heard, and some of us have seen, a certain darkening of personality among the ‘vaccinated’, or some of them – a marked new nastiness, intolerance, explosiveness, as if those ‘vaccines’ were laced with choler, or its nanotechnological equivalent.  I for one have been attacked insanely, out of nowhere, by the recently injected; and others have reported the same thing.”

I think Miller is confusing causation and correlation.  Maybe the vaccinated have become more nasty and intolerant, but I don’t think it is because of the jabs.

They may have become nastier towards those choosing not to get the COVID vaccine because the establishment media has told them that these are selfish and uncaring people for not graciously accepting the jab.  And now that same media is telling them that they should hate Putin and Russians in general.

As I have previously pointed out, the dividing line is between those who accept everything they are told by the establishment media and those who question it (or outright defy it).

The people who got vaccinated and boosted did exactly what they were told to do by the establishment media.  They were obedient citizens.  They see the opposite side as not just being non-obedient.  They see them as stupid, or selfish, or both.

The establishment line now is that you should hate the Russians.  It isn’t clear if they should hate the Russians just as much or more as the non-vaccinated.  So it is no surprise that the people who bought the COVID narrative hook, line, and sinker will also be eager to get involved militarily to help the brave and noble Ukrainians to defeat the evil Russians.

(For the record, I’m sure there are many brave and noble Ukrainians, and there are some evil Russians.  But it goes both ways.  The media makes this caricature sketch as if Ukraine is the epitome of freedom, while the Russians are bad people.)

The fully vaccinated and boosted are generally people who buy into all of the propaganda.  They are often otherwise intelligent people, but it is easier to train a smart dog (attributed to Michael Malice).  They are people who will do what they are told by the “authorities” and the “experts”.

I understand that some people got the jab who were not fully on board with it.  They may have felt pressure from family and friends, and some of them had to choose between the jab and their job.  But generally speaking, those who got jabbed are the obedient ones.  They are the voluntary slaves who will do what they’re told.

If a similar poll were conducted in the United States, you would get similar results I suspect.  The vaccinated haven’t become more belligerent because of the vaccine itself.  They just become belligerent when they are told to do so by their masters in the establishment.

Bond Investors Aren’t Worried About Inflation

The 10-year Treasury yield briefly touched the 2.5% mark on Friday, March 25, 2022.  It was a week of rising yields for all but the really short-term ones.  The one-month yield fell slightly.

The 10-year yield is still incredibly low by historical standards.  It is even more incredible when you think that price inflation, according to the government’s own statistics, is running at 7.9% annually.

If you invest in a 10-year bond paying 2.5%, you are losing about 5.5% every year if price inflation stays where it is.  Also, don’t forget that you still have to pay taxes on that 2.5% “gain”.

It is also interesting to note that some of the yield curve is flattening, and even slightly inverted.

As of this writing, the 10-year yield is slightly below the 7-year, 5-year, and 3-year yields.  The 2-year yield is still slightly below the 10-year yield, which some people look at as a recession indicator.

When it comes to an inverted yield curve, I prefer to look at the 10-year yield vs. the 3-month yield.  I think that is a much stronger predictor of a recession.

Still, we can learn a lot by looking at what bond investors are doing right now.  If price inflation is near 8%, why would anyone invest in something yielding just above 2% per year?

One of the answers to that is that a safe 2% return (nominally) is better than nothing.  It is better to lose 6% than 8%.  And if you invest in other assets, you could end up losing more than the 8% in the depreciating currency if the prices of the assets go down.

Someone may also invest in bonds because they expect rates to fall, which will drive up the price of the bonds.

There is also a question of why someone would by a Treasury security for 5 years when you can get about the same rate for 3 years.  Why lock yourself in?

The answer is that someone might expect the rate to be lower 3 years from now.

The spread from the 2-year yield to the 30-year yield is less than 50 basis points (half of a percent).  In this range, the yield curve is pretty flat.  It is even slightly inverted in spots.

What this indicates to me is that bond investors are not expecting the high price inflation to be sustained.  They see a recession coming sometime in the not-too-distant future and for prices to come down, or at least to stop rising so fast.

This isn’t to say that the bond market has to be right.  I do think the bond market tends to be smarter than the stock market.  (I understand that markets themselves aren’t smart, but you know what I mean.)

If bond investors expected 7 or 8 percent price inflation to continue for several years into the future, I don’t think they would be accepting yields just above 2%.  It’s not that yields have to rise to the level of price inflation, but there would certainly be a tendency to demand higher rates of interest.

In addition, while the price of gold has been holding above $1,900 per ounce, it hasn’t exactly exploded in price.  So the gold market – or the lack of a gold market – is also indicating that price inflation is not a big worry down the line.

Again, this isn’t to say that the bond market and gold market can tell us everything we need to know.  There are certainly a lot of distortions out there.  It also complicates things that the Fed has still been buying some Treasury securities, even if at a slower pace.

I think libertarians have been vindicated just a little bit in warning about reckless government spending and Federal Reserve monetary inflation.  We are now clearly seeing some of the consequences of those bad policies.

At the same time, it doesn’t mean higher price inflation will continue.  The Fed is finally winding down its monetary inflation, at least for now.

If the bond market is right, then we shouldn’t worry too much about higher price inflation a few years from now.  As the yield curve flattens, we should worry about a severe recession, which will actually relieve the price inflation, at least in the short run.

Kyrie Irving Destroys the Vaccine Mandate Narrative

The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, is in quite a mess.  His vaccine rules (not laws) already didn’t make any sense, but now they really don’t make any sense.

To be fair, he inherited this mess from the disgusting and tyrannical Bill de Blasio, who initially implemented the COVID vaccine mandates in NYC.  But Adams could have just entered office and repealed all of the mandates.

Instead, he is trying to do a dance, and the dance isn’t pretty.

First, the vaccine mandates were rolled back for customers in the city.  So now you can go to a restaurant or a sporting event without showing your vaccine passport.  But the requirement to be vaccinated for work is still there.

There was an exception granted for athletes and entertainers visiting the city, but not for people residing there.

This set up the situation perfectly for Kyrie Irving, one of the star players of the Brooklyn Nets basketball team.  He has declined the pressure to be “vaccinated” against COVID.

Irving has not been allowed to play in any home games this season because of the vaccine mandates, but non-vaccinated players from other teams could play with the exemption granted to visiting athletes.

Since basketball fans could now attend games in NYC regardless of status, Kyrie showed up for a game to support his team as a fan.  But he wasn’t allowed to play.  This showed the absurdity of the whole thing.

After the game, the biggest all-star on the Nets had comments calling out Mayor Adams by name.  Kevin Durant said it was ridiculous and that he (the mayor) better figure things out.  Durant issued a semi apology the next day, but the words had already been spoken.  Here was the star player telling the mayor of New York City in front of the cameras that his policies are ridiculous.

The basketball fans care about their basketball, and they know their only realistic chance of winning a championship is by having Kyrie on the floor playing.  And then you have Durant essentially saying the mandates are stupid.

Now Adams is granting an exemption for athletes and entertainers, even if they reside in New York.  So it looks like Kyrie will be able to play in home games now with his team.  So all is good, right?

Well, it isn’t so good for Eric Adams.  Kyrie Irving can play basketball without being vaccinated, but there are teachers, police officers, firefighters, janitors, and many others who have been suspended or lost their job because they chose not to get jabbed.

So now, instead of the ridiculousness of Kyrie attending a game but not being allowed to play, you have something of a caste system set up.  The guy making millions of dollars is allowed to work now, but the middle class worker isn’t.

Adams has created a web of contradictions for himself.  His honeymoon time as mayor was rather quick, and now he is flailing about.  Again, from day one, he should have just announced a repeal of all vaccine mandates in the city.  I’m sure he could have gotten his speechwriters to cover it up with some nice sounding language to appease the masses.

Let’s hope that this leads to all vaccine mandates being repealed in New York City.  That seems to be the trend, and we need to keep it going everywhere we can.

Adams thought he solved the Kyrie problem by allowing him to play, but now he has created other problems in doing so.  His only good solution is to repeal all mandates.  He should be highly encouraged to do so.  And until it is done, it should be pointed out often that he has created a caste system that punishes the working middle class.

Was the Russian/ Ukrainian War “Unprovoked”?

The Western establishment media have all of their important talking points aligned as usual.  They have been in sync with COVID for over 2 years now, always shifting the narrative together with the “shifting science”.

And so is the case with the war in Ukraine.  The main talking points are that Putin and Russia are evil and the Ukrainians are good people suffering at the hands of the Russians.

One of the words I have now seen pop up several times from the Western governments and the establishment media is “unprovoked”.  It will be casually thrown into a headline as one of the adjectives to describe the situation.

There are a lot of adjectives one could appropriately use to describe the war in Ukraine.  You could say that it’s not justified.  I would say it isn’t justified because I don’t think any war can be justified unless you can specifically target the criminals without hurting innocent people.

But to say it was unprovoked is a joke.  Do you know what wars were unprovoked?

The wars that the U.S. government started in Iraq, Syria, and Libya were unprovoked.  Even the war and occupation of Afghanistan for nearly 20 years was not provoked by the ruling government there.  Just because it was suspected that bin Laden was living there when the 9/11 attacks happened is not justification for invading a country.  There was no provocation by the Taliban.


The elites in the U.S. have been blaming Russia and Putin for almost everything since at least 2016.  Since Donald Trump unexpectedly defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, they had to make up a giant lie that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

In the 2019/ 2020 race for the Democratic nomination, Russia was accused of trying to help Bernie Sanders get elected.  Tulsi Gabbard, even then, was being called a Russian asset for her opposition to war in Syria.

When the story broke (sort of) about Hunter Biden’s laptop just a few weeks before the 2020 election, the little coverage it got from the establishment media was only to claim that it was a Russian disinformation campaign.  Now, even the New York Times has admitted that it was Hunter Biden’s laptop and that the story was legitimate.  It had nothing to do with Russia.

Almost everything has been blamed on Russia, and sanctions had already been placed on Russia before the war in Ukraine.  That in itself is a major provocation.

But it goes far deeper that this of course.  When the Soviet Union broke up, U.S. officials promised not to move NATO eastward towards Russia’s border.  Even though it wasn’t in a treaty (not that that would have mattered), the U.S. quickly sought to expand NATO eastward.  It was now at the point where Ukraine was supposedly being considered for NATO membership, which had long been a red line in the sand for Putin and Russia.

But that’s not all folks.

In 2013 and 2014, the U.S. State Department helped to fund, plan, and execute a coup in Ukraine, which overthrew the democratically-elected president who was somewhat friendly towards Russia.

Since that time, Ukraine has largely been ruled by U.S. puppets who have allowed the continual abuse and murder of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.

The now-sainted Zelenskyy, whose idol is the dictator of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is not necessarily the great guy that the media makes him out to be.  He has jailed opposition leaders and shut down opposition media.  He has continued the policy of making ethnic Russians into second-class citizens of Ukraine.

There have likely been thousands of people killed in eastern Ukraine because the corrupt and evil Ukrainian government allows neo-Nazi groups to shell the areas and make life a living hell for the people there who mostly just want to be left alone (or would prefer to be part of Russia).  But people weren’t displaying the Ukrainian flag in solidarity for any of these people for the last 8 years.

Putin has been clear on what he wants.  He wants eastern Ukraine to be separated from Ukraine so that the people there can live peacefully, and he wants a guarantee that Ukraine won’t be admitted to NATO and that NATO (i.e., U.S.) missiles won’t be placed on its border.

But when Putin asked for a U.S. response to his claims of wanting assurance of safety for Russia (from the U.S.), the foolish and evil elites in the U.S. government basically laughed in his face.

And after all that, we then saw the “unprovoked” Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The war may be criminal.  It may be unjustified.  It may be the wrong way to solve the problems.  It may be a lot of things.  But one thing it is not is unprovoked.

The Fed Raises Its Target Rate, But Money Supply Not Decreasing

The Federal Open Market Committee released its latest statement on monetary policy.  As was widely expected, the Federal Reserve is raising its target federal funds rate by a quarter percent.  The federal funds rate will now be in a range of 0.25% to 0.50%.

This drove up some yields.  The 2-year yield briefly hit 2%.  We will see in the coming days if this flattens the yield curve more, as shorter- term rates should rise a bit.  There is also the anticipation of several more rate hikes this year.

The Fed is in a bind.  We are getting hit with price inflation at about 8%, so the Fed has to start tightening or else risk losing control of the dollar.  At the same time, by tightening and increasing rates, an inverted yield curve becomes more likely, which is the warning sign of a recession.

It is also interesting that most everybody is focused on rates (meaning the federal funds rate, which is the rate the Fed can directly control).  Meanwhile, there is far less talk about the actual money supply.  While higher rates and a lower money supply tend to go hand-in-hand (or at least they did in the past), it is the money supply that ultimately dictates price inflation in the long run.

In the FOMC statement, it states, “In addition, the Committee expects to begin reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities at a coming meeting.”

Of course, “a coming meeting” could mean a year from now.

The odd thing is that the Fed is just now finishing up its taper.  In other words, up until now, the Fed was continuing to add assets to its balance sheet (i.e., create money out of thin air).

So now the Fed is talking about reducing its holdings at some meeting in the future?  Why didn’t it stop its money creation before now?  What is different now than a couple of months ago, other than the fact that price inflation is even higher?

In the Implementation Note with the statement, it says, “Roll over at auction all principal payments from the Federal Reserve’s holdings of Treasury securities and reinvest all principal payments from the Federal Reserve’s holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in agency MBS.”

So the Fed will apparently stop creating new money for now, but will continue to roll over maturing debt.  It’s rather curious why the Fed would immediately start raising its target rate just as it finishes its massive balance sheet expansion.  One would think that the Fed would have stopped printing digital money long before.

The Fed’s balance sheet has gone from about $4.1 trillion to nearly $9 trillion over the last two years (March 2020 to March 2022).  Why didn’t the Fed stop adding to its balance sheet months ago?

They are trying to play a balancing game.  They can’t let price inflation get more out of control than it already is, but they also don’t want to risk imploding the economy and the Everything Bubble.

My prediction is that any significant increases in long-term yields will be short lived.  When recession fears increase, investors will still turn to Treasury securities for safety.  This goes along with the inverted yield curve where short-term rates go higher than long-term rates.

The only reason long-term yields would continue to rise is because there is a fear of even higher price inflation.  But if the Fed keeps raising its target rate and starts to consider a reduction in its balance sheet, this may be enough to prick the bubble.

At some point, something has to give.  The price inflation rate is unacceptably high at this point to most Americans.  I think the Fed is ok with it for a little while as long as it stays below 10%.  But let’s remember that price inflation just over 7% will result in prices doubling every 10 years.

We seem to be entering a period like the 1970s stagflation, but before Volcker became head of the Fed and forced interest rates well into double digits.  There are some key differences though.

We are starting from a point now where short-term rates are near zero.  If the Fed ever has to raise its target to rate into the double digits, we will be facing continued and steep increases.

The U.S. government is also in far greater debt now than in the 1970s.  Higher interest rates will mean higher servicing costs on the $30 trillion national debt.

We also have much bigger bubbles now than in the 1970s.  We may have bigger bubbles now than anything we’ve ever seen in this country.

At the same time, it is important to recognize that even during the 1970s stagflation, there were periods where stocks went on a bull run.  It may have been a tough time for Americans, but life still mostly went on.

The stakes may be higher now and the numbers a lot bigger, but we can hope that life will go on.  Times may be tough ahead, but we are not likely to turn into some third-world country, even if the U.S. dollar ceases to be the world’s reserve currency.

We don’t know if we will get higher price inflation or an economic downturn in the next year or two.  Maybe we’ll get both.  This is why I recommend a permanent portfolio, which helps you protect your wealth in any economic environment.

It is important to have a rainy day fund, even if it is sitting in the bank and losing 8% percent per year to inflation.  In a recession, cash is typically king.  In an inflationary recession, who knows?  But it is still good to have some liquidity for emergencies.

I will be following the yield curve with particular attention over the next few months.  If it inverts, you should prepare for a hard recession.

Two Years Since Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve

It has been two years since the world was shut down.  It has been a little over two years since the big lie started by the power elite and the so-called experts in the medical establishment.

We should never forget the death and destruction that has been wrought on society by these people.

Nobody should have ever been locked down.  All of the lockdowns, mandates, and restrictions imposed by government were immoral.

If there was any role for the state, it should have been advisory only.  Even here, you should never listen to what politicians and bureaucrats in positions of high power tell you.  It is often wise to do the opposite.

The most any government should have done is to advise people to stay home if they were sick and for elderly and people in bad health to be cautious in their activities.  That’s it.

Nobody should have been prohibited from visiting elderly relatives.  Nobody should have been prohibited from having a wedding or a funeral.  Nobody should have been forced to stay home.  Nobody should have been forced to close their business.  Nobody should have been prohibited from dining in a restaurant unless the restaurant owner voluntarily chose to close down.

No child should have been prevented from interacting with friends or going to school because of edicts coming down from mayors and governors.  No child should have missed a soccer practice or dance recital because of this.

Lies, Misinformation, and a Lack of Courage

We were lied to from the very beginning.  In February 2020, the “experts” (with their sham models) and the lying establishment media gave us an exaggerated death rate out of China.  It was never anywhere close to 3 or 4 percent.  It may have been that high for really sick people going into the hospital in China, but that doesn’t mean that is the death rate for the average person who gets infected.

In the U.S., the statistics were rigged from the beginning.  The government specifically gave instructions to inflate the death count.  If you tested positive for COVID and then died within a certain timeframe, then you were deemed to have died of COVID.

The government also incentivized mistreatment and death by paying hospitals more to classify patients as COVID.  And then they were incentivized to give patients Remdesivir and put patients on a ventilator, which has killed many people (and continues to this day).

I knew we were in trouble in the second week of March when most of the world bought into the lies and panicked.  When professional sports leagues stopped sporting events, that was the really bad sign.

And let’s not forget the role corporate America played (and continues to play) in doing the bidding of the establishment.  Almost every major corporation went along with the charade.  There were very few who stood up and spoke the truth.  There was a major lack of courage in 2020.

Courage is the distinguishing factor for the few people who did stand up.  Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida stupidly followed the establishment and issued stay-at-home orders in April 2020.  By September, he fully opened up Florida to the degree it was possible.  While he did educate himself greatly on the issue, it was really his courage that made it possible for him to stand against what most others were doing and allow freedom in Florida.

Vaccine Passports

If the lockdowns and restrictions weren’t enough, then we were hit with vaccines and vaccine mandates.  It’s hard to say how deep the lies go here.  Some claim that the vaccines were already in development before COVID even became a thing.  I have no idea, but I do know there have been massive lies.

In the Pfizer trial, it is claimed that one vaccinated person died of COVID and two non-vaccinated people died.  Out of thousands of people, this was the evidence that the vaccine is effective.  What isn’t widely mentioned is that if you look at overall mortality (see page 23), more vaccinated people died than those in the control group.  This is what really matters.  I don’t care if I don’t die of COVID if I die of something else.

And speaking of control groups, the corrupt companies working hand-in-hand with Washington DC ruined the control group.  They said that it was too important to get vaccinated, so the non-vaccinated people in the studies were allowed to take the jab.  So now there is no official longer-term study of the effects of the vaccine.  We can only do our own guesses based on our experience and observations around us, and by looking at unreliable data like in VAERS.  The main reason VAERS is unreliable is because the majority of side effects aren’t reported to it.

Isn’t it amazing that the universal vaccine cards were ready to go on day one?  How come people didn’t just walk in and get the jab?  Why were they walking out on day one with proof that they received the first dose of the COVID vaccine? In 2020, when someone suggested that the power elite were instituting vaccine passports, they were called a nutcase conspiracy theorist.

To this day, many people are required to show proof that they have received a COVID vaccine (a vaccine passport) in order to remain employed in their current job.  Foreigners are required to show their vaccine passport in order to enter the country.  We are still living under a soft tyranny.

Flatten the Hysterics

It all started with two weeks to flatten the curve.  I had to listen to people, some of whom are somewhat otherwise intelligent, make stupid remarks and trying to smugly explain transmission rates and how we need to spread out the illness so as not to overwhelm the hospital system.

These are the same people who warned about the dangers of opening up the beach.  Yes, you read that right – the beach.  I have never heard of a virus spreading at the beach before, but all of these intelligent nitwits were all of a sudden repeating the talking points that it was dangerous to leave your house.

When people make a mistake, it is often better to give them an out and not make them admit for past errors.  Sometimes it is easier to just move on and pretend that these mistakes were never made.  And for some people who have little power or influence who naively bought into the talking points, I am willing to let it go with them.

But for the people with a platform or those who were outspoken who helped ruin our lives, I want to rub in their face how wrong they were for the rest of their lives.  I don’t want anybody to ever listen to these people again about anything.  I don’t want people to forget those who ruined their lives.

And let’s be real here.  At the top, this wasn’t a mistake.  If it was a mistake, they would have at least gotten something right.  If you are just dumb or ignorant, sometimes you will stumble into something correct.  But when you are consistently wrong while doing significant damage to others, this isn’t a mistake.  It is evil, and I want everyone to know it.

Two weeks to flatten the curve was a big fat lie.  It quickly changed into shutting down society if it can just save one life. They acted as if the only thing to life is not dying.  It was as if they were saying, “It’s ok if we do long-term mental damage to children, as long as they don’t get grandma sick.”

Of course, nothing worked anyway.  A virus is going to do what a virus is going to do.  Even if it were a really deadly virus, it would have made more sense to allow young and healthy people to continue to live their lives as normal and gain natural herd immunity.  This would have been the greatest protection for the elderly and the highly vulnerable.

It has now been two years to flatten the curve.  Most of the hysteria has subsided, but it still exists, and there are still harmful government mandates.  Even if everything goes back to normal (pre 2020) in a year from now, we should never forget the evil people who tried to destroy our civilization.

Is the U.S. Government Sabotaging the Dollar?

There is a lot going on in the financial markets.  Gold surged past $2,000 per ounce.  Oil prices are skyrocketing even more after Biden announced that the U.S. would ban the import of Russian energy (gas and oil).  The price of gasoline may be hitting $5 per gallon by the end of the week.

While price inflation surges, the yield curve is flattening, with the Fed expected to raise its target rate next week.

The U.S. government is placing sanctions on Russia while corporate America joins in to follow the establishment narrative by withdrawing services from Russia.  McDonald’s is closing in Russia for now, and many financial services are halting their services in Russia.

The average Russian may go to the store and find they can’t pay with their credit card.  I don’t remember any of this happening to Americans when the U.S. government invaded Iraq or any other number of countries.

These sanctions do hurt the Russian people quite a bit.  But they also hurt Americans.  Biden will try to blame the economic problems on Putin, even though they were already there before this.  The sanctions will just make things worse.

I wonder about the longer-term impacts to the U.S. dollar.  The U.S. government is playing a dangerous game, and I don’t know if they know it.  The biggest danger is obviously a war, and particularly a nuclear war.  But even if there isn’t an actual war with Russia, there is a financial war, and the dollar may end up being the biggest casualty.

Russia, China, and the Dollar

The U.S. dollar is still considered to be the world’s reserve currency.  A lot of business in the world is done in dollars. This is especially true when it comes to buying oil.

Russia has essentially been forced to abandon the dollar.  The Russian central bank had already sold off much of its U.S. treasuries years ago when sanctions were imposed.

The U.S. government and others are now essentially stealing assets from individuals, as well as from the government and central bank.

You have to believe that the Chinese are paying close attention to what is going on.  The Chinese government owns about $1 trillion in U.S. government debt.

What if China has a squabble with Taiwan or Hong Kong?  What if the Americans don’t approve of something and decide to freeze their assets?  Do the Chinese want to be stiffed out of $1 trillion plus interest of assets?  The question answers itself.

You have to wonder if the Chinese will start selling off U.S. debt.  Or maybe they will stop rolling over any maturing debt.

Even the Japanese government may take notice.  They tend to go along with the U.S. government, but it’s got to make them nervous that one wrong move could cost them over one trillion dollars, which they hold in U.S. government debt.

What will be the result of these brutal sanctions?  Aside from the immediate impact of less trade and more hardship on people, it will result in more countries buying and selling without the use of U.S. dollars.

If this is coupled with the selling off of U.S. government debt by foreign countries (especially Japan and China), we could see the dollar get hit hard.

There is no reason for the U.S. dollar to continue as the world’s reserve currency.  In today’s world, countries can use their own currencies and convert it into the currency of other countries they are trading with.  Why go through the middleman – the U.S. dollar?

This means that life could get even more expensive for the American consumer.  It means that the U.S. government will not be subsidized as much by foreign countries buying the debt.  Politically, it means that the U.S. government will have less clout in the world.

The U.S. government is shooting itself in the foot.  All of these sanctions and outright theft will only lead to a faster decline of the U.S. dollar.

There will no longer be a world reserve currency unless people are wise enough to turn back to gold.

Americans All of a Sudden Care About Foreigners Dying

It is funny how, all of a sudden, the American people are so very concerned about the plight of Ukrainians.  Have Americans become anti war and more caring about people on the other side of the world?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.  I think most Americans really are generally good people.  While they are ethnocentric and naturally care more about their own lives and those around them (as it should be), most don’t wish harm on innocent people in foreign lands.

The reason for the sudden shift in Americans caring greatly for those suffering the plight of war is because the establishment is gaslighting them.

As with COVID and so many other things, the establishment media doesn’t typically outright lie.  They are usually factually correct, yet not truthful.  They will only tell you half the story.  Sometimes they won’t tell you any part of the story.

For example, how often have you heard it mentioned from the establishment media that the U.S. government helped to fund and plan the overthrow of the democratically-elected government in Ukraine in 2014?

How often have you heard it directly said that the Ukrainian government has been killing ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine for the last 8 years?

Have you heard the media talk about the president of Ukraine and how he has thrown his political enemies in jail in Ukraine?

I am anti war no matter what.  The only way war can be justified is if you can specifically target the aggressors without civilian casualties.  So from this standpoint, it is wrong what Putin is doing to Ukraine, even if he is trying to minimize civilian casualties.

However, it is understandable, given that he is a politician, that he would resort to war.  He has been warning NATO, and the U.S. in particular, to stop expanding NATO towards Russia and that the Russian people feel threatened with missiles near the border.  Putin has tried to talk and negotiate, almost to a fault.  Instead of a mature response, U.S. politicians just try to humiliate him.

So Putin finally had enough.  From a statist standpoint, it is completely understandable why he is doing what he is doing.

It isn’t “what aboutism” to point out the incredible hypocrisy of so many Americans and much of the world in shedding fake tears for the Ukrainian people.  If you also sympathized with the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, then I will take you seriously.  Otherwise, you are just acting as a hypocrite, even if misinformed.

I think most Americans would sympathize with the people of Yemen if they knew what was going on.  If they knew that the U.S. government was helping Saudi Arabia to starve people in an already-poor country and they saw images on the news of kids dying of malnutrition, then I think Americans would be willing to pay tribute to Yemen just as they have done with Ukraine.

But the media isn’t truthful.  They don’t tell you this story because it isn’t Putin who is the bad guy.  The bad guy (or guys) is in Washington DC.  It’s the same reason that you don’t get the same obsessive coverage over civilian casualties and suffering in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and other places that the U.S. government has invaded and/ or bombed.

I don’t remember the United States being sanctioned over starting a war.  I don’t remember American athletes not being able to participate in events.  I don’t remember hearing the media giving non-stop coverage to mass civilian casualties, which wouldn’t have required made-up stories and photographs.

Again, I don’t think most Americans are bad people.  But they are being ignorant by believing what the media is telling them.  It is especially strange to see some of the conservative/ right wing who didn’t believe the COVID narrative but then are willing to believe everything they are told about Putin and Ukraine.

With the shift from COVID to Ukraine, it is sickening to watch Fox News.  It is still just as bad to watch CNN or any of the other “news” networks.

All of the people who opposed Trump because he wasn’t enough of a war hawk are now showing up in your face to tell you how bad Putin is and how we need to help Ukraine.  It is particularly curious to watch some people who criticized the hoax that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.  But now they are believing every single thing the same media tells them about Ukraine.

The media has shifted dramatically from COVID propaganda to anti Russia propaganda.  The war hawks are happy right now to have Trump out of office and to be looking to get back in the spotlight.  This includes the war hawks from both parties, but especially the Republicans.  Now we get to listen to the horrible people like Sean Hannity, Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, and Brian Kilmeade.

Someone like Kilmeade is tough because he was really great on COVID and opposing vaccine mandates.  But now he gets to foam at the mouth over the prospects of more war.

The one encouraging thing is that I have seen more conservatives and libertarian-leaning Republicans who are at least skeptical of going to war.  There are still many bad Republicans who are eager to go to war, but not nearly as many as 20 years ago.  Ron Paul, Donald Trump, and Tucker Carlson all contributed to the slightly less hawkish Republican Party.  Unfortunately, most of the Republicans in DC are still bad.

A Strategy for Dave Smith

On May 1, 2021, I published a post about the prospects of Dave Smith running for president in 2024.  It has been a popular post.

I am a Dave Smith fan.  I often have my take on current events, and I find that Dave repeats many of the same things that I thought or spoke to others.  But he does a great job of articulating those thoughts.

It is difficult to find people who are consistent and accurate.  This is why it was so amazing to have Ron Paul as a spokesman for liberty in 2007/ 2008 and 2011/ 2012.

Dave has the right personality to appeal to many people.  He can speak a populist message while still managing to educate others and stick to libertarian principles.

I especially like Dave’s podcast where it is just he and Robbie “The Fire” Bernstein.  Robbie is the perfect co-host.  He leaves Dave alone to speak when Dave is on a classic rant.  At the same time, Robbie will add interesting points.  He also isn’t afraid to ask dumb questions and get Dave to answer things that other people might have been wondering.

There is one major problem with his show that happens to be named “Part of the Problem”.  They like to drop a lot of F bombs, and they tell crude jokes at times.

No, I’m not worried about what the media will say.  That has already been addressed.  Every time Dave gets asked about some horrible thing he supposedly said, he will respond that he isn’t bombing Syria or starving little children in Yemen. Is an off-color joke more offensive than those things?

My worry is appealing to others who might not find Dave to be their cup of tea.  There are a lot of Christian conservatives who will be turned off by Dave, even though many of these same people managed to justify supporting Donald Trump.

Dave is actually a good family man.  He is married with kids.  He just happens to be a New York comedian.  It is his job to tell sex jokes or jokes that are politically incorrect and offensive.

The problem I have is that I am going to have trouble selling him to my wife, my mother, and even my daughter (even though she won’t be old enough to vote at that time).  I can talk to my wife and relay all of the great things he stands for, but it will be difficult with others.

I am not going to refer my mother to a podcast where she will hear the F bomb dropped 50 times in an hour.

Appealing to Another Demographic

Here is my humble suggestion for Dave Smith.  I suggest that he have a “clean” podcast.

I don’t want to take away his mojo.  I don’t want him to stop with his regular podcast.

I know that Dave is capable of being clean because he has been on CNN and Fox News many times.  He has the ability to articulate his positions without dropping a bunch of F bombs.

I think he should release some short episodes that I can send to my mother.  They can be 10 minutes long.  He could put out one episode per week.  Most people don’t want to watch somebody new for longer than 10 minutes anyway.

Dave could also write a book.  I wouldn’t be against this, but I don’t think it plays to his strengths.  I think having Dave go on one of his rants for 10 minutes in front of a camera, minus the F bombs, would be effective.  It is easily shared with others through text and social media.

Dave was recently on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and it was right after all of the controversy surrounding Rogan.  I can’t imagine how many millions of people saw Dave’s appearance, or at least clips of it.  I think Dave can easily appeal to much of Rogan’s audience.

This should continue to be his focus.  At the same time, I want something I can send to my wife and mother that is relatively clean.  I want a good Dave rant that can be listened to around the kids.

I think he can do this.  I know he is capable of it.

He could just clean up his regular podcasts with Robbie, but I don’t think that’s the way to go.  Some people like the guy talk and the humor, which is fine.

There are also a lot of libertarians out there who aren’t really familiar with Dave Smith.  Some of them are socially conservative people and would consider Dave’s material to be trash.  I perfectly understand that he isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.  But it would be a mistake for both sides for other radical libertarians to miss out on the things Dave is saying.

Again, I am just asking for maybe 10 minutes per week with a great rant against the state and in favor of liberty.  It can be marketed as the “clean” version of Dave Smith.

I am very excited about his prospects in the next couple of years.  It could be a game changer.

I don’t expect Dave to win the 2024 presidential election.  Dave understands the long game, and he understands that it is about educating others on the benefits of liberty.  We can gain some great momentum in the next couple of years.

There are many people who are tired of big government and all of the lies.  They saw what was done to them by the state in response to COVID.  They want someone who is willing to tell them the truth, even if the truth can hurt at times.

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